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 Course 3 > Unit 1 > General Writing
General Writing: Write and apply

1. Identify the functions of the following sentences and rearrange them in a logical order to form a continuous paragraph. The last sentence has been done for you. (Note: This paragraph, developed from the same topic sentence as in the sample, has a new focus - the awareness of the energy shortage instead of the bicycle's new popularity.)

1.     People of all ages, in fact, are learning how to walk again.
2.     Small cars, rather than huge gas-gulpers, are winning sales.
3.     More and more Americans are beginning to treasure the limited energy supply in their daily life.
4.     More and more people are riding buses and forming car pools to help reduce consumption of fuel, with some of the larger cities putting new push behind efforts to develop rapid-transit systems.
5.   1           TS     Recent awareness of the energy shortage in America has brought the bicycle into renewed popularity.

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