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  Content Awareness: Read and Think > Exercise 3  

3. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. The author's purpose in writing the passage is to tell us that ______. 
A) the research on cloning humans should be carried out to help infertile couples
B) regulations should be made to direct the science of cloning humans into the right track
C) the research on cloning humans should not be conducted so recklessly
D) Antinori is a great scientist who pushes reproductive biology to the limits

2. By saying "Vatican is no fan of his science", the author implies that ______. 
A) Vatican has no interest in medical science
B) Vatican is against Antinori's cloning plan
C) Vatican refuses to accept Antinori as a Catholic
D) Vatican is in favor of IVF treatment

3. The phrase "rounding on" (line X, Para. 2) most probably means ______. 
A) supporting
B) surrounding
C) criticizing
D) thinking of

4. In the author's view, the real problem of cloning humans is that ______. 
A) secret experiments on cloning are being carried on
B) it leads to complex moral arguments
C) even the scientific community can not reach an agreement
D) cloning science is not advanced enough

5. Severino Antinori is thought of as being dangerous probably because ______. 
A) he tries to challenge the biological limits to combat infertility
B) he refuses to say anything about their research base
C) he offers to help the couples who cannot have a baby
D) he claims the Catholic faith, but behaves against it

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