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  Language Focus: Read and Simulate > Exercise 7

7. Read the following sentences carefully, and then make your own sentences using the patterns in bold.

1. Severino Antinori is a rich Italian doctor with a string of private fertility clinics to his name.
     is with to his name. 
2. What's new is that finally it seems to be building a head of steam.
    What's new is that . 
3. Antinori shot to fame seven years ago helping grandmothers give birth using donor eggs.
     shot to fame . 
4. To begin cloning people now, before even the most basic questions have been answered, is simply a waste of time and energy.
    To , before even the most basic questions have been answered, is simply .
5. But right now there seems to be little anyone can do to keep the cloners at bay.
     there seems to be little anyone can do to . 

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