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  Course 3 > Unit 6 > Passage A > Exercises
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  Content Awareness: Read and Think > Exercise 3  

3. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. The author followed Nagat, a woman taxi driver out of the airport because ________.  
A) Nagat was the only female taxi driver there
B) Nagat forced her to do so
C) she instinctively felt she should trust Nagat
D) she had no other choice but to go with Nagat

2. The author enjoyed Nagat's company for all the following reasons except that ________.  
A) she had a very good sense of directions
B) she was always punctual
C) she was able to understand human nature
D) she asked for low fares

3. It can be inferred from the passage that ________. 
A) it was difficult for the author to hire a taxi in Cairo
B) it was unusual for a woman to work as a taxi driver in Cairo
C) Nagat often got offers of help from her male colleagues
D) Nagat also worked as an office secretary

4. In the author's eyes, Nagat was ________. 
A) capable and independent
B) more like a man than a woman
C) competitive and aggressive
D) attractive and appealing

5. In the passage, the author tries to tell us ________. 
A) her impression of Islamic architecture
B) her impression of Cairo
C) her appreciation of the dignity of a woman
D) her friendship with a woman taxi driver

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