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  Language Focus: Read and Simulate > Exercise 7

7. Read the following sentences carefully, and then make your own sentences using the patterns in bold.

1. Do you know what it is like to arrive in a strange city in the middle of the night?
     Do you know what it is like to .  
2. I breathe a sigh of relief when she puts my bag into the trunk, locks it and gets behind the wheel.
     breathe a sigh of relief when . 
3. Wherever we stop, be it for a cup of tea during a break or upon arriving at an historical site where her male colleagues gather in the parking area — everywhere, she is being noticed.
     be it or . 
4. What becomes clear to me soon as she drives me from museum to pyramid, from one part of town to the opposite, is this: she is a true exception here.
     What becomes clear to , is this: .
5. With a mild sense of humor around a deep core of understanding of human nature, Nagat takes control of my sightseeing schedule.
     With , takes control of .

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