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  Language Focus: Read and Complete > Exercise 4  

4. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

 confusion  creep  curt  deepen  expose
 nightmare  pulse  somewhat  throb  ulter

1. As I came to know more about classical music, my love for it . 
2. The soldiers in the open field to the enemy's gunfire and many of them got killed or wounded. 
3. I saw a little girl up comfortably in an armchair reading a children's magazine. 
4. The long climb up the hill made our heart . 
5. For many years, the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York will remain a for the American people. 
6. Don't bother about him. What he has said is nonsense. 
7. The explosion at the crowded market place caused great in the small town. 
8. The doctor felt the patient's on her wrist and then took her temperature. 

9. After the intensive training, they became more confident than they used to be. 
10. The sight of the rats running about in the house made my flesh . 

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