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  Course 3 > Unit 7 > Passage B > Exercises
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  Exercises > Content Awareness: Read and Think
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  Content Awareness: Read and Think > Exercise 10  

10. Fill the blanks below with the information from Passage B.

1. Lieutenant Billy White is .  
2. The 300-man police team had gathered in New Haven to launch .  
3. Most of the men in the task force had been up since the morning before. But none of them would sleep that night either because they would have .  
4. When he recalled the hell-like period around 1990, Billy White felt that New Haven Police .  
5. The contained the names, addresses, and photographs of each suspect.
6. After drug gangs came to New Haven, there increased sharply.
7. The arrests in the New Haven area all went on very .
8. When the anti-drug operation came to a close, some of the New Haven cops got so that they had tears in their eyes.
9. The anti-drug operation turned out to be .
10. As for the war on drug, Billy White believes that .

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