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   Drug Warriors

 Billy White was wearing a jacket with the word "POLICE" printed on the back, and jeans. His piece was a Glock, a nine-millimeter pistol — New Haven Police Department standard issue. Around him, White recognized state cops, special agents from the DEA, officers from the U.S. Marshal's office, FBI special agents, and other police detectives like himself. There were anti-drug case agents from the ATF, and intelligence officers from the police departments of nearby cities. White looked around. These were his people, his soldiers, the ones who would be by his side on the front lines. This was the New Haven Drug Gang Task Force, and Lieutenant Billy White was in charge of it.   比利·怀特上身穿着一件背后印有“警察”字样的夹克外衣,下身穿着一条牛仔裤。他携带的手枪是一支9毫米口径的格劳克手枪--这是纽黑文警察局的标准配置。在怀特周围,他看出有州警察,麻醉品管制局的特工,美国地区警察局的警官,联邦调查局特工以及其他一些跟他一样的警探。在场的还有烟酒及火器管理局的反毒品调查人员以及附近几座城市警局的情报官员。怀特四下环视了一番:这就是他的人,他的战士们,那些将与他并肩战斗在前线的人。这就是纽黑文打击贩毒集团别动队,而带队的便是比利·怀特警官。

 It was 3 a.m., and most of the men had been up since the morning before. But none of them would sleep that night either. They had a big day ahead of them. Hours earlier, White had been in his office, preparing warrants. Meanwhile, the New Haven Airport had quietly filled with federal agents, flying in from New York and Washington, DC. They had then gathered at the western corner of the city. The team's field headquarters that night would be an empty building on the very edge of town. The 300-man team of federal agents, state police, and local police had gathered to discuss the next step in the war on drugs.   此刻是凌晨3点时分,大多数警员从头一天早上起床后一直干到现在。然而,他们今晚仍然谁也别想合眼。今天他们将有重大的行动。数小时以前,怀特就在办公室里备好了逮捕证。与此同时,纽黑文机场也悄悄地集结了大批从纽约和华盛顿特区飞来的联邦特工。他们然后赶到纽黑文城西角集中。别动队当晚的战地指挥部就设在城边的一座空楼里。这支由300名联邦特工、州警察和当地警察组成的联合部队已经集合完毕,现在他们正准备研究下一步扫毒战役的行动计划。

 White listened as his friend Kevin Kline, an FBI special agent and one of the original members of the task force, was speaking to the law enforcement army. Kline laid out the battle plan for the morning's drug bust: the agents were to organize themselves into squads, forming arrest teams and back-up crews. The teams assigned to carry out raids received arrest packets containing the names, addresses, and photographs of each suspect, as well as search warrants issued by the federal court. At 5:30 a.m., the teams were to split up, each reporting to their designated sites to prepare for the final stage of the operation: making the arrests.   怀特聆听着他的朋友凯文·克莱恩对这支整装待发的执法部队所做的战前动员。克莱恩是一位联邦调查局特工,也是该别动队的最早的成员之一。克莱恩交代了今晨缉毒战斗的作战计划:警员们将组成若干作战分队,包括若干个搜捕队和后援队。执行搜捕任务的各小队领到一整套搜捕资料,包含每一位嫌疑犯的姓名、住址、照片以及联邦法院签发的搜查证。凌晨5时30分,各小队到达各自的指定位置,分头执行任务,准备展开最后一步行动:逮捕疑犯。

 As he listened, White asked himself the same question that everyone else in the room must have been thinking. Could the team pull off a successful bust? Born and raised in New Haven, White still remembered a time when New Haven was considered a peaceful town. In 1960, only six murders, four rapes, and 16 robberies were reported. But soon, the drug gangs set up shop, and the turf wars began. With the gangs came gang violence: drive-by shootings, innocent victims killed, murders in broad daylight. In 1990, there were 31 murders, 168 rapes, and 1 784 robberies. "Back then it was hell," White recalls. "I thought, 'What are we doing?'"   怀特一边听着,一边心中自问:别动队能成功地完成作战任务吗?大厅里所有其他的人也一定在想同样的问题。怀特是土生土长的纽黑文人,他依然记得以前的纽黑文,那时在人们的眼里还是一座宁静的小城。1960年只有6起谋杀、4起强奸和16起抢劫报案。但不久以后,贩毒集团在城里开了张,黑帮的地盘争夺战也开始了。随着黑帮的到来,黑帮暴力接踵而至:驾车枪击,杀害无辜百姓,甚至在光天化日之下大肆杀戮。到了1990年,发生了31起谋杀案,168起强奸案、1784起抢劫案。“那时这里简直就象地狱,”怀特回忆说,“我当时心想,‘咱们警察都干什么去了?’”

 At exactly 6 a.m., the task force executed a coordinated sweep, arresting 29 out of the 32 people on the list. The arrests in the New Haven area all proceeded without incident. Afterwards, FBI special agent Robert Grispino was struck by the cops' intense emotion. "It was quite a sight," he told reporters. "With some of the New Haven cops, there were tears in their eyes." Billy White, of course, was among them. "We got some big fish, too, guys that handled multi, multi, multi kilos," says White. Of the 29 arrested, about 13 were Colombian citizens. The task force had successfully arrested many of the importers and distributors that had connections with source companies. "The core organization that they arrested here in New Haven had direct connections with Miami, San Juan, and Cali," says Grispino.   凌晨6点正,别动队准时协调出动搜捕,捕获了名单上32名疑犯中的29名。纽黑文地区的所有逮捕行动都进展顺利,均未出现变故。此后,联邦调查局特工罗伯特·格雷斯比诺对警察表现出的激情深有感触。“场面真是感人,”他告诉记者们说,“有的纽黑文警察的眼里都噙着热泪。”当然,比利·怀特就是其中的一个。“我们还捕到了几条大鱼,几个交易量达到好多好多好多公斤的家伙,”怀特说道。在被捕的29人当中,大约有13人是哥伦比亚公民。别动队还成功地抓获了许多与货源公司有联系的毒品进口商和经销商。“在纽黑文破获的核心组织与迈阿密、圣胡安以及卡利等地都有直接的联系,”格里斯皮诺说。

 Meanwhile, the entire Cali cartel leadership has been arrested by a Colombian police squad. Eight of the top nine Cali drug lords have given themselves up to Colombian authorities or been killed in gunfights with police. Today, New Haven residents are once again venturing out into the streets. The neighborhoods feel safer. In fact, the task force's operations have proven to be so successful that they have attracted national attention. As for Billy White and his team, they continue to do what they have always done. "I think we can win the war on drugs," says White. "I'll probably be gone by then. But I think someday, we'll work our way out of a job, and there won't be any more gangs left in this city."   与此同时,卡利毒品联盟的全部首领集团也基本上被哥伦比亚的一支警队连锅端掉。9名卡利大毒枭中有8人已经向哥伦比亚当局投降,或在与警方的枪战中被击毙。今天,纽黑文的居民们又可以大胆地走上街头。居民们感到比以前安全了许多。事实上,别动队的成功行动已经引起了全国的关注。而对比利·怀特和他的警队来说,他们将一如既往地从事他们一直所从事的事业。“我认为最终我们将打赢这场禁毒战,”怀特说,“到那时或许我已经不在了。但是我认为,总有一天我们这些人会无事可干,因为这座城市将不会再有黑帮存在了。”

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