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  Course 3 > Unit 7 > Passage A > Words & Expressions
Words & Expressions

   Phrases and Expressions

as if

as it would be 仿佛

carry out

perform or complete, conduct 进行;执行

come true

happen just as was wished, expected or dreamt 实现;如愿以偿

expose ... to ...

leave ... without protection from ... 使…受到…的影响/危害

focus on

direct (one's attention) to sth. 专注于

if only

used to express a wish 要是,但愿

in a state of

in a certain condition 在…的状态下

look down on/upon

have or show a low opinion of (esp. someone one considers socially inferior or unimportant) 蔑视,瞧不起

on top of

in addition to 不仅如此

pick up

take hold of (esp. sth. small or light) and lift it up from a surface 拿起

   Proper Names




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