Translating Skills I Extension Amplification Omission Conversion
Splitting Synthesis Translation of "it" Translation of "as"
 Course 3 > Translating Skills > Translating Skills I > Translation of "as"
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"As"的译法 (Translation of "as")

Translate the following sentences into Chinese, paying special attention to the use of "as".

1. a. as quiet as a lamb (a mouse)
 b. as silent as a grave
 c. as wise as Solomon
 d. as timid as a hare

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2. The dried flowers she arranged on the kitchen table remain exactly as she had left them.

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3. Mr. James worked as a gym teacher, and in his off hours, he lifted weights, ran and played soccer.

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4. Hard as I tried, I couldn't shake the thoughts away.

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5. As for Billy White and his team, they continue to do what they have always done.

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6. As you can imagine, life in the barracks was quite a change from home.

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7. I'm a sort of unpaid adviser, as it were, to the committee.

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8. I thought I might be transferred but as it is I shall have to look for a new job.

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