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I Have His Genes But Not His Genius

 It's Christmas Eve 2040, and I'm the only bartender still working that afternoon, and the house is practically empty. I see this guy down at the end of the bar, sitting by himself. I bring him a fresh drink, and wish him greetings of the season. He looks at me, sort of funny, and says: "Do you know who I am?" 那是2040年圣诞前夕,那天下午我是唯一还在酒吧里工作的招待,屋子里几乎已经空了。我看到一个人独自坐在酒台的尽头。我给他送去一杯鲜汁饮料并祝他圣诞快乐。他上下打量着我,有点古怪地问我:“你知道我是谁吗?”

 I admit I don't. 我老实告诉他,我并不认识他。

 "Here, maybe this will help," he says, and he pulls a little picture out of his wallet. An old portrait, really old, like centuries old. It's a young man in profile: sharp nose, weak chin, definite resemblance to my friend here. At the bottom, there's a caption: "W. A. Mozart." “哦,也许这个会对你有所帮助,”他一边说一边从皮夹子里掏出一张小照片,一张很旧的人物照,仿佛好几个世纪以前照的。照片上是一位年轻人的侧面像:高鼻梁,小下巴,绝对很像我身边的这位朋友。相片的底部有一行说明:“W.A.莫扎特”。

 Now it's my turn to look at him funny. Then it hits me like a brick. "You're that clone guy," I say. "The guy in the papers back in the '20s." 现在轮到我来古怪地审视他了。我像挨了当头一棒似的猛然明白过来。“你就是那个克隆出来的家伙,”我说,“20年代各家报纸上刊登过的那个家伙。”

 "In the flesh. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. I have his brain, his heart, his DNA. He's my father and my mother and my brother. He's my identical twin, except I was born 247 years later." “正是本人,沃尔夫冈.A.莫扎特。我有他的头脑,他的心脏,还有他的DNA。他是我的父亲,又是我的母亲和兄长。他是我的孪生兄弟,只是我比他晚出生247年。”

 So he starts talking. It takes him a long time to explain, and I didn't get it all, but I got a lot. 于是他开始谈了起来,费了很长时间才解释清楚,尽管我不能全部理解,但还是明白了不少。

 In 2001, Congress passed a ban on cloning humans, but of course mad scientists went ahead with secret cloning. 在2001年,尽管美国国会通过了关于禁止克隆人的法令,疯狂的科学家们仍在继续秘密地进行着克隆研究。

 And then, there was this software billionaire who was nuts about Mozart, and was especially nuts about Mozart's Requiem. He set up a secret institute in Switzerland and hired some top biologists and told them they'd get $1 million each for every baby they cloned from Mozart's DNA. 后来,就是这位开发软件的亿万富翁,他是一个莫扎特迷,尤其迷恋莫扎特的安魂曲。他在瑞士创立了一个秘密研究所,雇佣了许多顶尖生物学家进行克隆人的研究,并向他们许诺,每克隆出一个带有莫扎特DNA的婴儿,他们每人都将得到100万美元的报酬。

 In 2003, the institute managed to bring four babies to term. Two died shortly after birth. Two survived. But then this software billionaire died, and his company collapsed, and so did his cloning institute. One baby Mozart was put up for adoption anonymously. No one knows what happened to that one. The other baby was adopted by one of the scientists, who was a big Mozart fan herself. 在2003年,研究所成功地使四个婴儿足月产下,有两个在出生后不久就夭折了,另外两个却幸存了下来。但是就在那时,那位软件富翁死了,他的公司倒闭了,克隆研究所也因此垮台了。一个莫扎特婴儿被匿名收养,没有人知道他后来的情况;另一个被研究所的一位女科学家收养,她本人也是一个莫扎特迷。

 "And that's me," he says. “后一个就是我,”他说。

 His mother, of course, didn't tell him or anyone else who he was, but she told the boy how special he was, how he was a genius, what a great composer he could be, trying to push her little Mozart toward music. 当然,关于他的身世,他母亲没有告诉他,也没有告诉别的人。但是,她对他说他很不一般,是一位天才,能成长为一位伟大的作曲家。她竭力将她的小莫扎特带进音乐的殿堂。

 But the 2010s weren't the 1760s. The boy may have had talent, but he also had his own priorities, and they didn't include violin sonatas. He liked rock music and he liked it loud, and then as he got older he liked beer and girls. The harder his mother pushed him to be a great composer, the less he wanted to be one. After a while his mother gave up. By the time he was 20, he had a decent job working in a frame shop. And that's when the roof fell in. 但是21世纪一十年代毕竟不是18世纪六十年代。这个小男孩也许有音乐方面的天赋,但是他也有了自己的爱好,其中却不包括小提琴奏鸣曲。他喜欢的是摇滚乐,而且是那种震耳欲聋的摇滚乐。随着年龄的增长,他喜欢上了啤酒和女孩子。他妈妈愈是努力地要将他培养成一个伟大的作曲家,他愈不想那样。不多久他妈妈也就放弃了。20岁的时候,他在一家镜框店里找了一份不错的工作。也就是在那个时候,灾难临头了。

 Some reporter got wind of the institute and the cloning experiment and tracked him down. But no one could prove he was a clone of Mozart without digging up the original, so the media treated him as a joke. It just crushed him. He tried running away. He joined a Buddhist monastery in Japan. One day, while he was there, he heard the Requiem. Not for the first time, but this time it was different. 某些记者风闻了关于那个研究所和克隆实验的消息,并追踪找到了他。但由于没有发掘出资料渊源,没有人能证明他就是一个克隆的莫扎特,因此媒体都把他当作笑料。这一事件使他崩溃了。他试图逃离他乡。后来他在日本一家佛教寺院成了一位佛家弟子。有一天在佛寺,他听到了安魂曲。虽然这不是他第一次听到这首曲子,但这一次却有不一样的感受。

 "My God, it was beautiful!" he says. "I felt a realization explode inside my head. I just felt it somehow: It rang inside of me. I'd finish it, or die trying." He knew that if he could finish the Requiem, he'd be famous for real, a genius instead of a fool. He immersed himself in Mozart's music. Nights, weekends, all the time, he drove himself, working on the Requiem. “天哪!真是美极了!”他说,“我感到我的脑袋砰然开窍,我终于感受到它了:它在我的内心激荡回响。我要去完成它,为此死不足惜。”他知道,如果他能完成安魂曲,他将会真的成为一名天才而闻名于天下,而不会被视为蠢才。他全心身地投入到莫扎特的音乐里。无论是夜晚还是周末,所有的时间他都用来不顾一切地谱写安魂曲。

 "And? What happened?" “那么,后来怎么样了?”

 "I turned 37 four months ago. I've been working on the Requiem for 15 years. Mozart died when he was 35. I should have finished the Requiem two years ago." “四个月前我就满了37岁。15年来我一心扑在谱写安魂曲的工作上。哎!莫扎特去世时才35岁,我本应该在两年前就完成安魂曲。”

 "And you haven't." “你还没有啊。”

        He looks at me for a while and shakes his head, "You don't understand. I have his genes but not his genius." 他看了看我,摇摇头,说道:“你不理解。我有的是他的基因,而不是他的天赋啊。”

 And with that he drops a tip on the bar and is gone. I never saw him again. If the Requiem was ever finished, I never heard about it. 说完这些,他在吧台上留下小费就走了。从此我再也没有看到过他。也许安魂曲真的写出来了,但我却从未听到过它。

  (709 words)


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