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  Course 3 > Unit 4 > Passage B > Exercises
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  Language Focus: Read and Complete > Exercise 10  

10. Fill in the blanks with the information you've obtained from the passage. Don't refer back to it until you have finished.

W. A. Mozart was a great 1)   living in the 18th century. He died young, leaving his masterpiece Requiem unfinished. At the 2)  of the 21st century, a billionaire who was crazy about the Requiem set up a 3)   institute and hired some top biologists to 4)   babies from Mozart's DNA. The institute succeeded in producing four babies but only two survived. One was 5)  by a woman, who was also among the research group. She had been trying to push the little Mozart toward 6)  . However, the boy had his own priorities, and all the mother's efforts turned out fruitless; the boy grew up into an 7)   person. Then something happened, and totally changed his life. A reporter heard about the institute and the experiment, and found the young man. As he couldn't 8)  that he himself was the copy of Mozart, the media treated him as a 9)  . It was a great blow to him. He swore to finish the Requiem to show to the whole world. He immersed himself in the Requiem day and night. Fifteen years passed, and he achieved nothing. Eventually he realized that he only had Mozart's genes but not his 10)  .

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