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  Language Focus: Read and Complete > Exercise 11  

11. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

 adopt  anonymously  ban  decent  gene
genius  immerse  practically  resemblance  survive

1. Fox hunters gathered in London to protest the government's attempt to the sport. 
2. They fell in love with each other though they have nothing in common. 
3. With the loan from the bank, the company may be able to the crisis. 
4. The students have been advised to a healthy lifestyle - a balanced diet, enough rest and exercise to keep fit. 
5. The workers went on strike for working conditions and wages. 
6. A business is good at spotting business opportunities and then striking quickly. 
7. A group of scientists are working day and night, trying to find the responsible for the disease. 
8. The main feature of the online chat is that you can communicate with anyone. 
9. Her to her father is striking. 
10. Many teenagers are found to themselves too much in the virtual world presented by the computer games. 

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