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  Exercises > Content Awareness: Read and Think
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  Content Awareness: Read and Think > Exercise 10  

10. Choose the best answer to each question with the information from the passage.

1. According to the author, the attraction of St. Petersburg to tourists is mainly its ________. 
A) elegant buildings
B) cultural history
C) street entertainers
D) wonderful food

2. The author believes the significance of traveling lies in ________. 
A) seeing the wonderful world with its attractions
B) understanding people and sharing their life experiences
C) appreciating the culture and history of a strange land
D) making friends with people from all walks of life

3. St. Petersburg reminded the author of Paris, Amsterdam and Venice because ________. 
A) it was also a city with a crisscross network of canals
B) it resembled them in its rich culture and long history
C) various styles of architecture in those places could be found in St. Petersburg
D) it also ranked among the most beautiful cities in Europe

4. The author appreciates the Russians?positive attitudes towards life as ________. 
A) they are all friendly to foreign visitors
B) they always treat their guests with great courtesy
C) they love to exchange opinions on arts and literature
D) they have the ability to handle whatever circumstances they are in

5. It can be inferred from the passage that ________. 
A) the author could speak Russian, a little awkwardly though
B) it is popular to learn Russian in English-speaking countries
C) not many people in the author's country are interested in Russian
D) English-speaking people never care to learn a foreign language

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