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  Language Focus: Read and Complete > Exercise 11  

11. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

 ability  absorb  beloved  convert  intense
 manner  positive  shelter  stretch  toast

1. Our new campus, which ten kilometers on the outskirts, is much bigger than the old one. 
2. Facing pressure to resign, the manager had to quit his job. 
3. Hemingway is one of the most and world-renowned American writers. 
4. The practical experience will help to cultivate in students a true to solve problems. 
5. With the exception of a few and acceptable reforms, the project is a failure as a whole. 
6. What we are doing is to bridge the gap between the scientists and the market, their research achievements into commercial products. 
7. If we sit down and study it in a rational, objective , maybe we could find a way out. 
8. At the beginning of the dinner, he stood up and proposed a in his heavily accented English. 
9. Bill was so in the football match on TV that he totally forgot his afternoon class. 
10. After China's entry into WTO, the country's industry will no longer from foreign competition. 

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