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  Course 3 > Unit 7 > Passage A > Exercises
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  Content Awareness: Read and Think > Exercise 3  

3. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. What does the author mean by saying "They were never a question" in Paragraph 2? 
A) Drugs were easily available to her at the time.
B) Drugs were in ready supply when she got ill.
C) Drugs were a normal part of her life at the time.
D) Drugs never came into her life when she was a child.

2. Why did the author begin to use drugs? 
A) Because she felt sick in a completely different environment.
B) Because she was forced to by her new friends in New York.
C) Because she was curious and wanted to have a try.
D) Because she wanted to have a closer tie with her new friends.

3. How did the author feel when she did Ecstasy for the first time? 
A) Utterly frightened.
B) Totally fascinated.
C) Completely shocked.
D) Slightly disgusted.

4. When the author says toward the end of the passage "Since I saw that scan, my life has been an uphill crawl", she means that ________.  
A) she has again set up a high goal for her life
B) she has determined to pursue an acting career
C) she has started a life which will be very difficult to keep up
D) she has realized that her life was in ruins

5. The last sentence of this passage suggests that ________. 
A) many drug abusers never had the opportunity to return to normal
B) drug abusers can get rid of the bad habit
C) the author has let a second chance pass by
D) the author has taken up Ecstasy once again

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