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  Course 3 > Unit 8 > Passage A > Exercises
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  Content Awareness: Read and Think > Exercise 3  

3. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. What does the author intend to convey by telling the story of 3-year-old Marianna? 
A) People in Bethlehem, especially the young, have been deprived of the pleasures of life.
B) The Palestinian people have no access to modern civilization.
C) Children in Jerusalem have got no chance to enjoy beauty of nature.
D) Rigid rules have prevented the Palestinian people from moving at will.

2. What caused the author to have frequent fears and nightmares in her undisturbed life in Austin? 
A) A feeling of strangeness toward the town because of her 11-year absence.
B) All sorts of inconveniences she has encountered after her return.
C) Her memory of the horrible scenes during her stay in the Middle East.
D) Helicopters hovering up in the sky over the city.

3. According to the author, what attitude do the American people hold to the sufferings of the Palestinian people? 
A) They generally feel indifferent.
B) They are in sympathy with the Palestinian people.
C) They stand neutral on this matter.
D) They support the uprising of the Palestinian people.

4. What does the author mean by mentioning the US-made weapons used in the Middle East? 
A) The US has taken advantage of the conflict to make a lot of profits.
B) The US has indirectly got involved in the conflict in this region.
C) The US forces have joined in the massacres of the Palestinian civilians.
D) The US has spared no efforts to wipe out its opponents.

5. Why did the author feel like an animal inside a cage when she was in Palestine? 
A) She was confined to the refugee camp all the time.
B) She found herself living under strict military control.
C) She was not allowed to go outside her residence.
D) She got no permit to move out in the Israeli-occupied area.

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