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  Language Focus: Read and Complete > Exercise 4  

4. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

 bewilder  comfortable  confine  daze  drift
 innocent  linger  overwhelm  terrify  venture

1. On arriving at the scenic spot, the tourists were warned not to on the river in the small boat. 
2. Let's go and sit in the middle of the theater so that we can see the screen at a angle. 
3. The judges must their attention to the facts only, and leave out anything that could be described as hearsay.  
4. Roy complained to the doctor that he had been in a condition recently.  
5. Chinese and mathematics have always been the subjects in primary and secondary schools in China.  
6. Mike's eyes on the digital camera, a new model with all sorts of frills. 
7. When Bonny stepped into his house and saw it was in a mess, a expression appeared on his face.  
8. Pompeii was by dust and ashes from the volcano eruption. 
9. A lot of people lost their lives during the border conflict. 
10. The thought of flying her so much that she decided to give up the trip to Europe.

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