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  Language Focus: Read and Translate > Exercise 6  

6. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 同这个案件相比,最近几个月的盗窃事件不值得一提。(pale / in comparison)

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2. 那次交通事故虽然已经过去了好几年,但他还是摆脱不了负疚感。(to shake away)

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3. 尽管我们提出了降低成本的建议,董事会的成员们似乎没有认真考虑。(to appear / to take ... seriously)

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4. 周围的山坡已经变得光秃秃的,但这并没有使村民们想起保护环境的重要性。(bare / to remind)

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5. 办公室里可能再不会响起他那爽朗的笑声了。(unlikely / to ring)

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