Translating Skills II 选择和引申词义 转译词类 增减词语 正反译和反正译
分译和合译 倍数的翻译 被动语态的译法 定语从句的翻译 长句的翻译
 Course 3 > Translating Skills > Translating Skills II > 长句的翻译
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Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese:

1. At the present time, physics has progressed farther than any other science, and, in seeking to give a brief account of the present state of the science of physics, it must be our aim, not only to state the most important observed facts but also to show the relations and interdependence of these facts.

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2. The price system of the United States is a very complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad(大量) of services, including labor, transportation, and public-utility(公用设施) services.

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3. Scholars from the United States, Switzerland, and France are pursuing seven separate but related projects that reflect their concern for the health of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet - a concern they believe the world at large should share.

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4. The arrangement of DNA forms a code that determines the structure of all the proteins that a living thing needs to stay alive and operate efficiently.

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5. The recent evidence suggests that human cancer occurs when something happens to certain normal genes in our cells to convert them to cancer-causing genes.

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6. The occurrence of the explosion was considered by the committee to be due to the lack of officially-appointed staff whose duties were to inspect regularly all laboratories, especially those not in use, and to make sure that everything was in order.

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7. It is animals and plants which lived in or near water whose remains are most likely to be preserved, for one of the necessary conditions of preservation is quick burial, and it is only in the seas and rivers, and sometimes lakes, where mud and silt(淤泥) have been continuously deposited, that bodies can be rapidly covered over and preserved.

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8. Maxwell produced, by brilliant mathematical reasoning, the theory that 'electromagnetic disturbances', though invisible to our eyes, must exist in space, and that these waves travel at the same speed as the light waves-that is, at the rate of 186,000 miles, the equivalent of more than seven times round the world, per second.

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9. It is physically impossible for a well-educated, intellectual, or brave man to make money the chief object of his thoughts; as physically impossible as it is for him to make his dinner the principal object of them.

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10. To understand the width and depth to which science can be applied to the material and spiritual problems that confront individuals and nations requires an understanding of what science really is.

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11. Though the dust lay heavy upon the floor, it was evident that the old house, its windows carelessly boarded up, must once have been a magnificent mansion(公馆).

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12. Laser, its creation being thought to be one of today's wonders, is nothing more than a light that differs from ordinary lights only in that it is many times more powerful and so can be applied in fields that no ordinary light or other substance has ever been able to get in.

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13. To understand how motion pictures work, we must first know the fact that our eyes have a peculiar habit, called "persistence of vision", by means of which they can continue to "see" something, e.g. a source of light, for a moment after its disappearance.

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14. When anyone open a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may demand at any time, either in cash or by drawing a check in favor of another person.

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15. In the past five years the movement has grown from unorganized groups of poorly armed individuals to a comparatively well-armed, well-trained army of anywhere, from 10,000 to 16,000 members.

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