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  Language Focus: Read and Translate > Exercise 13  

13. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 随着战争的开始,接踵而来的便是为期十年的屠杀和毁灭。(with ... came)

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2. 我们将继续从事我们一直在从事的事业。(to continue / what)

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3. 他们大多数人从头一天早上起就一直在干。今晚他们仍然谁也睡不成。(to be up / none of them)

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4. 李明是土生土长的成都人。他仍然记得以前在四合院(quadrangle)里生活的情景。(born and raised / the time when ...)

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5. 你怎么竟敢在光天化日之下如此残忍地虐待一个幼小的儿童?(in broad daylight)

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