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  Language Focus: Read and Complete > Exercise 11  

11. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

 cease  compromise  condemn  conflict  erode
 exhaust  mandate  preferable  prolong  promote

1. The frauds in the financial reports of some large corporations will as exposed by the media the confidence of the American people in the stock market.  
2. Although he is no longer with me, his words and deeds will never to influence me in my future work.  
3. Many people are afraid that the repeated armed between the two countries might trigger a nuclear war.  
4. He was given a renewed by the Peoples' Congress to head the Ministry of Defense.  
5. The building of the so-called highest tower in the city almost all the corporation's funds and pushed it to the edge of bankruptcy (破产).  
6. The first priority of this government is to create a peaceful situation so as to our economic development. 
7. Many investors think China is to other developing countries in terms of investment, security and profitability. 
8. Medical scientists are exhausting all possibilities to find a means of life. 
9. If the two parties could not reach a over the dispute, there would be no end to violence.  
10. The murder of Yitzhak Rabin by the peace-loving people all over the world.  

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