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  Course 3 > Unit 3 > Passage C > Exercises
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Choose the best answer to each question based on the information from the passage.

1. Which of the following facts about Soichiro Honda is NOT true?  
A) He was an excellent auto mechanic.
B) He started his business with the pliers given by his father.
C) He had a lot of original ideas.
D) His business was gone when he was in his middle age.

2. Which of the following statements about Honda is true?  
A) He designed his own piston rings after World War II.
B) He assembled Honda motorcycles with war-surplus engines and parts.
C) He produced all the motorcycle components in his own factory.
D) He dominated the U.S. market in less than ten years.

3. After World War II, Honda's modified bicycles sold well because ______.  
A) they were crude and difficult to start
B) there weren't many other means of transportation available
C) their engines could be used to power communication equipment
D) they were powered by small war-surplus gasoline engines

4. Honda's initial failure in the U.S. market was probably due to ______.  
A) the fact that there was little demand for his product in the U.S.
B) the image of black-leather jacketed motorcyclists in its ad
C) the existence of a few servicing problems
D) the poor quality of Honda motorcycles

5. Everything that Honda did during the 1960s escaped criticism because ______.  
A) it spent a lot of money on market promotion
B) it pioneered the flooding of the U.S. market
C) it charged less for its products
D) it used the right strategies

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