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General Writing: Paragraph Development by Process

Paragraph development by process is a step-by-step description of how something is done. It is quite similar to the procedures in conducting a program or a scientific experiment, or to such daily activities as baking bread, writing a paper, driving a car, etc.

Examine the following paragraph and identify the process order and the various steps required to carry Levi's Personal Pair program successfully.

To market your product successfully, you have to come up with a plan to get your product or service in the market place. First thing to do is to define your market. The basic question to keep in mind: Who would want to buy the type of product you make and how can you develop it to be saleable to these special people? Next, review the competition. Understanding what other products are on the market can help you develop a more effective position for your product. Then, find your niche. You must have a product that is perceived as different from all the others and one that fulfills the wants and needs of customers better than any other product. Once you have decided on the above, you are ready to promote your product. Promotion involves advertising, publicity and personal contact. But keep in mind that you are not selling a product, you are selling what this product will do for people.

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