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 Unit 3 > Lead-in > Listen

 Directions: The passage you are going to hear is printed below, though some of the paragraphs are not in the correct order. As you listen, number the 'six secrets'.

Let me now share my six business success 'secrets' with you:

  There must be a willingness to take risks. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, but you can't afford not to take certain business risks.
  Keeping a tight control on expenses - while at the same time not being 'penny wise and pound foolish,' is a wise business practice.
 The businessperson should always look for ways to improve their goods and services, as well as ways to increase efficiency and expand their marketing reach.
  Everything is marketing. Marketing is the key to letting the world know about your products and services. There have been many products that had great sales potential, but failed due to poor marketing.
 Provide more and better products and services, to larger numbers of people, at less cost.
 An entrepreneur must deliver good quality products and services and stand behind one's work. Related to that is good customer service.

I've just revealed a handful of universal principles of business success. If you apply them, they can contribute toward your own business success, as well.


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