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  Language Focus: Read and Complete > Exercise 4  

4. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

 attain  precise  manufacture  sponsor  attractive
 import  market (v.)  modest  brand  campaign

1. I don't think that the amount of studying you did in high school would be sufficient to good marks in university. 
2. Because of the negative influence of other Asian countries, there has been a decrease in house sales this year. 
3. Some young people find computer games so that they can hardly pull themselves away to tend to other matters. 
4. The victim was able to give a description of the drunken driver, which was rather helpful to the police. 
5. The city is planning a public to awaken people to the problem of noise pollution. 
6. The cost of producing a tube of toothpaste is about 3 yuan, so we will it at 5.50 yuan. 
7. Mike is now the director of a factory which canned food. 
8. Plenty of companies are eager to young athletes if they show enough promise. 
9. The sweaters are made of wool from Australia. 
10. According to a recent survey, youths do not have much influence on the products and their parents choose. 

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