Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Sentence Patterns >Agreement> Subject and Verb    │Exercises

 Mr. Smith teaches us oral English.
 Nowadays lots of college graduates are busy looking for jobs.

1. 一些句子结构中的主谓一致:
 a. 在 "there + be" 句型中,谓语动词通常和最邻近它的那个名词保持一致,如:
  There is a book and four pens on the desk.
  There are two beds and a bookshelf in the room.

 b. 在定语从句中,谓语动词应和该从句的先行词保持一致,如:
  Alice is the person who runs the school.
  He who cheats on exams will be kicked out of the school.
  I was one of those persons who were luckily interviewed by the director himself.
 上例中如果 one 前有 the only 修饰,强调某一个体时,从句的谓语动词应用单
  I was the only one of those persons who was luckily interviewed by the director

 c. 倒装结构中的谓语动词应与它的真正主语保持一致,如:
  Here is a letter for you.
  There come two buses.

2. 并列结构作主语时句子的主谓一致:
 a. 由 both ... and ... 连接的两个名(代)词作主语时,谓语动词用复数,如:
  Both Tom and Mary have been invited to the party.

 b. 由 and 连接的并列结构作主语,谓语一般用复数。但当两个名词表达同一个人、
  The writer and editor is going to the meeting in person.
  Bread and butter is a daily food in the west.
  Law and order is so important to a country that no one should break it.

 c. 由 as well as, as much as, along with, besides, in addition to, including, like, no
  less than, rather than, (together) with 等连接的两个名(代)词作主语时,谓语应
   The bus driver as well as several passengers has survived the accident.
   Yesterday I saw a pick-pocket with his company was caught by a policeman.

 d. 由 or, either … or ..., neither … nor …, not only … but also …   等连接的两个名(代)词作主语时,谓语一般和后一个名(代)词保持一致,如:
   Not you but I am to blame.
   Neither you nor I am responsible for the whole thing.

3. 集体名词作主语时句子的主谓一致
 a. cattle, police 作主语时,谓语动词总用复数,如:
   Lots of cattle are raised on the grassland.
   The police were searching for the criminals.

 b. audience, board, class, committee, crowd, crew, enemy, family, government,
  team 等作主语时,如果作整体看待,谓语动词用单数;若强调每一成员,谓语用
   The committee consists of 12 members.
   The committee haven't reached any agreement yet.
   I am not sure where my family is.
   My family care a lot about my study.

4. 一些代词作主语时句子的主谓一致:
 a. 由 any, every, no 和 one, thing, body 构成的合成代词作主语时,谓语用单数,
   Nothing was found in the room.
   Everyone has known the story.

 b. both, few, several 和 many 作主语,表示复数的意义,所以谓语用复数,如:
   Both are not quite so honest.
   Many students travel during their vacations.

5. 带有数量修饰语的名(代)词作主语时句子的主谓一致:
 a. 单数可数名词前有 every, each, many a 修饰、复数名词前有 each of, one of,
  (n)either of, the number of 等修饰时,谓语用单数,如:
   Many a student travels during his / her vacation.
   The number of criminal cases in this city is increasing steadily.
   One of us is to join the army.

 b. 复数名词前有 a number of 或 one or two 修饰时,谓语用复数,如:
  In this factory a number of workers are out of work now.
   One or two plans are to be discussed.

 c. 名词前有 a lot (of), lots (of), all (of), any (of), most (of), some (of), none (of),
  more than one, 分数或百分数等修饰语时,谓语名词的数视中心名词的数而定,如:
   Some of the butter has gone.
   Some doctors are not well trained.
   More than one picture was burned in the fire.
   Half of it was damaged.
   Half of them are here.

 d. "数词+复数名词"作主语,若视为整体看待,表示距离、时间、价值、重量、长度
   Four years in the university is meaningful to me.
   Two hundred dollars is too much to pay.
   Five thousand miles is too far to travel.

 e. "the+形容词"作主语表示某一类人时,具有复数意义,谓语用复数,如:
   The old are to be taken good care of in this community.











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