Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Clause > Clause With Introductory it                         │Exercises

Clause With Introductory it(It 引导的从句)


  先行词 it 作主语或宾语 (Anticipatory it as Subject or Object)

  1. it 做形式主语代替不定式、动名词、主语从句,如:
    It is easy to distinguish the two words.
    It is no use talking about it any more.
    It is not yet decided who is to take up the work.

  2. it 作形式宾语代替不定式、动名词、宾语从句,如:
    We found it not difficult to translate this article.
    I think it useless learning a theory without practice.
    We have made it clear that agriculture is the foundation of our national economy.

  强调句中的 it (it in Emphatic Sentence)

   1. 强调主语,如:
    It was I who (that) met Prof. Smith yesterday.
    It is the computer that is doing many jobs.

  2. 强调宾语,如:
    It was Mr. White that (whom) Mary met in the park.
    It is oxygen that we usually take up first in our study of chemistry.

  3. 强调状语(时间或地点),如:
    It was in 1940 that he joined the army.
    It was at the school gate that I met Mr. Smith.

  4. 强调主语补足语或宾语补足语,如:
    It is liquids that all gases will become when subjected to high pressure and low temperature.
    It was chairman of the department that people elected him.











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