Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Modification > Subject-Predicate Inversion                     │Exercises

Subject-Predicate Inversion(主语与谓语倒装)

  1. 当 neither, nor, no more, so 等置于句首时,主谓需倒装,如:
   You won't go to the park. Neither shall I.
   I don't know. Nor do I care.
   He can finish the work in time. So can I.
   He doesn't care much for the black color. No more does she.

  2. 当表示否定意义的副词或词组如 hardly, never, rarely, seldom, in no case 等用于句首时,主语与部分谓语倒装,如:
   Never have I seen such a beautiful clock.
   Very rarely did she receive letters from her daughter.
   Little did I think that it was the last time we talked to each other.
   Not until 10 o'clock will the library open.
   In no case will he give up the experiment.

  3. 当表示地点和方向的副词如 here, there, down, away, in, out, up 等用于句首时,主谓倒装,但当主语是代词时,用正常   词序,如:
   Here are the books you want.(但Here they are.)
   There comes the porter.(但There he comes.)
   In came a little boy the same age as Dick.
   Up stood the student and began to answer the question.

  4. 当表语置于句首时,系动词要放在主语前。表语可以是介词短语、形容词、副词或分词等,如:
   Next to it is another restaurant where we can have Italian food.
   Nearby are houses built by the farmers themselves.
   More important is to keep calm.
   Hidden underground is a wealth of gold, silver and copper.
   Lying across the river is a long bridge built in 1980.

  5. a. 当only 加一状语用于句首表示强调时,主语和部分谓语倒装,如:
   Only yesterday did he find out that his watch had lost.
   Only after a year did I begin to see the results of my work.
   Only when I did it by myself did I know how difficult it was.

  6. 具有否定意义的关联词如 not only ... (but also), neither ... (nor), no sooner ... (than), hardly ... (when),     scarcely ... (when/before) 等用于句首时(作主语或修饰主语除外),主语和部分谓语倒装,如:
   Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more fluently.
   No sooner had he arrived than he fell ill.
   Neither is he wrong nor are you.











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