Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Clause > Coordination                               │Exercises



  两个或两个以上句法功能相同的平行的词、词组或分句,可以通过并列连词(coordinate conjunction)、并列词组(coordinate connective)、连接性副词(conjunctiveadverb)或标点符号连接起来,成为并列结构。以下是常用并列词语(coordinator)的主要含义:

  1. 表示“添加”或“补充”的有 and, also, besides, both ... and, either, furthermore, in addition, moreover, nor,    not only ... but (also), on the other hand, likewise, similarly, so 等,如:
     Mary can speak both English and Chinese.
     The nurse was not only competent but also kind.
     The new manager is handsome and kind, and moreover he is very intelligent and

  2. 表示“转折”的有 but, however, instead, nevertheless, by contrast, on the contrary, on the other hand, only,    or (else), otherwise, still, whereas, yet 等,如:
     Peter is poor, but he is happy.
     He tried hard and yet he failed.
     Work hard, otherwise you'll be sorry.

  3. 表示“结果”的有 accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, hence, so, therefore, thus 等,如:
     The rain was heavy—consequently the land was flooded.
     We hurried so we didn't miss the last bus.

  4. 表示“选择”的有 or, either … or, whether ... or, would / had rather ... than 等,如:
     Either you used the wrong method, or you were not careful enough.

  5. 表示“原因”的有 for,如:
    I shan't buy it, for I can't afford it.

  6. 表示“强调”、“举例”的有 indeed, in fact, in particular, for example, for instance 等,如:
    He is indeed a man of great talent.
    I'd like to keep a pet—for example, a dog.

  7. 表示“时序”的有 afterwards, first (second ...), later, meanwhile, next, subsequently, then 等,如:
    First he went to Paris, and then he went to London.











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