Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Sentence Patterns >Agreement> Pronoun and Antecedent    │Exercises

1. 代词应与它所指代的名词在人称、性、数上保持一致,下表列出了通常情况下一些代词所能指代的名词。

代词 所能指代的名词
He, him, himself, his 单数阳性名词,如 Tom, boy, actor 等
单数通性名词,如 student, doctor 等
She, her, herself, hers 单数阴性名词,如 Kate, girl, lady 等
We, us, our, ours, ourselves; they, them, their, themselves, theirs 表复数意义的名词(词组),如 the smiths,
Tom and Kate, some students 等
it, its, itself 单数的动植物及无生命名词,如 cat, tree,
table 等;



  Tom told me that he had his watch stolen.
  The wife is shouting at her husband.
  Some students wanted to invite their parents to the graduation ceremony.
  Look at the baby: it's smiling!

2. 下列代词作主语或修饰主语时,代词一般用单数:
 anybody anyone anything
 nobody no one nothing
 somebody someone something
 every each either
  Nobody wants to make friends with him.
  Has everyone present understood the professor's speech?
  Every dog has its day. (人人都有走运的时候。)

3. One 作主语时,代词可用 one, one's,也可用 he, him, his,如:
  One must devote oneself(himself) to one's(his) country.

4. (either ...) or 或 (neither ...) nor 连接两个单数名词时,代词用单数;连接两个复数名
  Will David or Lucy hand in her paper?
  Either the teacher or the students show their enthusiasm(热情)for this suggestion.

5. 集体名词作主语时,相应代词应视其所指意义而确定,如:
  The committee decides to improve its efficiency.
  The committee haven't yet agreed on this issue, and they are going to discuss it tomorrow.











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