Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Clause > Clauses of Time and Space                               


Choose the best answer:

   1. He has been wearing glasses ever ____ he entered the university. 

    A) when
    B) while
    C) since
    D) once

  2. _____ fire burns, there must be oxygen. 

    A) Wherever
    B) As soon as
    C) Until
    D) Before

  3. You may turn to me for help ____ you are in difficulty. 

    A) till
    B) where
    C) since
    D) whenever

  4. No sooner had I got there ____ a storm began. 

    A) than
    B) when
    C) after
    D) before

  5. ____ the temperature increases, the volume of a substance becomes greater. 

    A) While
    B) As
    C) Since
    D) Till

  6. Stormy applause(暴风雨般的掌声)broke out ____ he finished his speech. 

    A) while
    B) since
    C) the minute
    D) the day

  7. On and on he went, _____ he reached a small village. 

    A) when
    B) as
    C) once
    D) till

  8. _____ there was trouble, there he was sure to be. 

    A) When
B) Where
C) As
D) Every time











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