Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Clause > Clauses of Condition, Concession and Contrast             


Choose the best answer.

  1. Patient ____ he was, he had no intention of waiting for two hours. 

    A) although
    B) while
    C) as
    D) whoever

  2. ____ I accepted your offer, what could you say? 

    A) While
    B) Though
    C) Unless
    D) Supposing

  3. I take a walk every morning ___ bad weather stops me. 

    A) if
    B) unless
    C) whether
    D) however

  4. ____ you may say, I still think I did it right. 

    A) Whatever
    B) Whether
    C) Even if
    D) No matter which

  5. I should never have got there in time _____ you had not given me a lift in your car. 

    A) unless
    B) if
    C) as long as
    D) whereas

  6. _____ Mary is friendly with everyone, her sister makes very few friends. 

    A) If
    B) Whenever
    C) While
    D) Even if

  7. The old farmer would go to the field ____ bad the weather was. 

    A) how
    B) as
    C) what
    D) no matter how

  8. You'll have to attend the ceremony ____ you are free or busy. 

    A) however
    B) whether
    C) how
    D) though











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