Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Clause > Clauses of Proportion and Other Types             


Choose the best answer.

  1. The ___ the temperature of a body, the ____ the motion of its molecules. 

     A) high, quick
B) higher, quick
C) high, quicker
D) higher, quicker

   2. ____ fire tries gold, so does adversity(逆境)try courage. 

     A) What
B) As
C) So
D) As far as

   3. It is all right, ____ I am concerned. 

     A) as far as
B) so
C) that
D) except that

  4. I would rather stay at home ___ go out. 

     A) that
B) except that
C) than
D) as

  5. ____ cause trouble, he left. 

     A) As
B) As far as
C) What
D) Rather than

  6. I know nothing about his career ____ he is a graduate of Oxford University. 

     A) as far as
B) what
C) except that
D) that











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