Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Modification > Discontinuous Modification>Separation of Appositive (Clause) from Its Antecedent

   1. 有时为了保持句子结构平衡或者为了加强语势,两个同位成分可能被分隔,如:
    Only one problem still remains—the selling of these machines.

   2. 两个同位语之间插入一些引导词表示等同、举例,或突出某点。这些常见的引导词是:namely, that is to say, in other     words, or, for short, for example, such as, including, especially, particularly, mostly 等,如:
    Susan is a good student; that is to say, she gets good grades in school.
    Besides English he knows other foreign languages, such as French and Russian.
    I want very much to read these new novels, especially the one you introduced.

   3. 两个同位语被一些修饰词分隔,如:
    Dr. Smith, former director of our hospital, wrote many books on medicine.
    Prof. Smith, at that time a college student, was fond of classical music very much.











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