Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Modification > Multiple Modification>Multiple Postmodification


Choose the best answer.

   1. It is ___ building.  
A) a magnificent and tall
B) a tall and magnificent
C) magnificent and tall
D) tall and magnificent

   2. He has been staying at home ___. 
A) these all last few days
B) these last few all days
C) all these last few days
D) these last all few days

  3. She bought ____. 
A) some sour green eating apples
B) some green sour eating apples
C) some eating green sour apples
D) some eating sour green apples

  4. He is a(n) _____ officer. 
A) tall young intelligent Chinese
B) young, tall, intelligent, Chinese
C) Chinese young tall intelligent
D) intelligent tall young Chinese

  5. They are discussing possibilities of ____. 
A) obtaining water from under the ground here
B) obtaining water under from the ground here
C) being obtained water from the ground here
D) being obtained water from under the ground here












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