Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Modification > Negation>Total Negation

全部否定 (Total Negation)

  1. 用否定词 no, none, neither, never, nowhere, nothing, no one, nobody, neither ... nor ... 等表示否定,如:
   I stayed in all evening waiting, but no one came.
   I have never met such a boring person before.
   I know nothing about the accident.

  2. 用否定副词和不定代词、不定形容词和不定副词表示,否定词和 not 加不定代词等的对应关系如下:
   no = not any, not a none = not any, not one
   neither = not one or the other nobody = not ... anybody
   no one = not ...anyone nothing = not ... anything
   nowhere = not ... anywhere neither ... nor = not ... either ... or

  否定副词 not 加不定代词通常不能放在句首作主语,所以除了位于句首作主语外,1. 中的否定词都可以改用 not 加不定代词等  的形式表示,如:
   I have not any English novels. (= I have no English novels.)
   I don't want either of them. (= I want neither of them.)
   I did not see anybody there. (= I saw nobody there.)
   He has not eaten anything today. (= He has eaten nothing today.)
   They did not go anywhere yesterday. (= They went nowhere yesterday.)

  3. 用具有否定意义的名词、动词、形容词、介词及短语,如 absence, refuse, deny, forget, fail, differ from, stop...    from, at a loss, out of the question 等表示否定,如:
   It took place during our absence from Beijing.
   She failed to turn up yesterday.
   He climbed the mountain without any difficulty.
   I'm at a loss what to say.(我不知该说什么。)
   Clearly their victory is out of the question.(很显然,他们是不可能获胜的。)











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