Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Modification > Pro-Form > Pro-Forms for Noun Phrases              │Exercises

  1. 第三人称代词 (3rd person pronouns) 及它们的各种格的形式和第一、二人称代词的复数 (plurals of the 1st and 2nd person pronouns) 及它们的各种格的形式可用来替代上文中的名词及其短语,如:
   If you see Mary, please give her this book.
   John is here. He can't stay long.
   The desks, chairs and shelves are so dirty that I must clean them now.
   There is a baby in that room. It is crying.
   Have you received my letter? It was posted a month ago.
   Jane and I may move to New York. We hear that the climate there is healthful.
   Both Tom and I were right, but no one believed us.
   Both you and Nancy can go there by bus. You don't have to walk along with us.

  2. Indefinite Pronouns(不定代词)(+ of + N. / Pron.)
替代名词短语可用不定代词 all, both, some, any, enough, several, more, many, much, none, (the) most, (a) few, (a) little, less, (the) least, another, others, the other, either, neither 等,如:
   There are fifty students in the class. Most of them are from the south.
   He lent me two books. Both were worth reading.
   Use this typewriter; all the others are under repair.
   This pair of shoes don't fit me. Please show me another.
   We bought two toys, but neither pleased the child.

  3. one, ones, that, those
   a. one 通常可用来替代已出现过的可数名词或以可数名词为中心词的整个名词词组;当 one 不带任何前置修饰语时,其意义通常是类指的,如:
    The red horse is stronger than the black one.
    I lose a good student and you gain one.
    If you need a radio, they will provide you with one.

   当 one 用以替代名词词组中心词时,它通常带有限定词,但是,不定冠词和物主限定词通常不可以直接位于 one 之前,它们之后常须跟有形容词或其他前置修饰语,如:
    Your car isn't fast enough. Let's take her new one.(不可说 her one )
    This desk is too small for me. I'd like a bigger one.(不可说 a one)

   b. ones 是 one 的复数形式,只能替代复数可数名词,通常不能单独使用,总是带有限定词或前置修饰语,如:
    I have a new dictionary and several old ones.
    He likes red roses instead of yellow ones.

   C. that , those 常用来替代已提到过的事物,以免重复,如:
    These machines are better than those we turned out last year.
    The weather of Beijing is colder than that of Hainan.

  4. the same, the former, the latter
   the same 可替代上文中整个名词词组(通常指物);the former 替代前面提到的两者中的前者;the latter 替代前面提到的两者中的后者,如:
    Shall I give you some different sort of fruit or would you like more of the same?
    —Good health.
    —I wish you the same.
    Jack and Bill are twins, but the former is taller than the latter.











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