Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Modification > Pro-Form > Pro-Forms for Predicate               │Exercises

  1. do, do so

   a. 动词替代词 do (does, did) 既可替代主动词及其补足成分(一般见于肯定结构),也可仅仅替代主动词。如果被替代的主动词是及物的,则 do (does, did) 之后须跟宾语,如:
     —Does Peter speak French?
     —Yes, he does.
     She plays the piano better than she does basketball.

   b. 替代词 do (does, did) 可与情态助动词连用;在否定句和疑问句中有时还须借助于助动词 do,如:
     Tom has never acted as he should have done.
     Mary studies modern history and doesn't do ancient history.

   c. 复合代动词 do so 既可替代“动+宾”的谓语结构,也可替代“动+状”的谓语结构,如:
     He said he would help me with my math, but he didn't do so.
     —Jane is crying for some more Coca Cola in the kitchen.
     —Yes, but her little brother isn't doing so.

   d. so do, so will
     do (does, did) 与 so 搭配,构成两个常用于作简短反应的句型:“so + do + 主语”,表示“我也如此”,或“另外一个人也如此”,“so + 主语 + do”表示对别人所说的情况加以肯定,在这种结构中,主语与上文主语相同,so 的意义相当于 indeed, certainly 等,如:
     —I like playing volleyball.
     —So do I. (我也喜欢打排球。)
     —So does my brother. (我兄弟也喜欢打排球。)
     —The students study hard.
     —So they do.(他们确实学习努力。)

   当主动词 have 作“有”用于上述两种简短反应时可有两种形式:一种是用主动词 have 的一定形式,另一种是用代动词 do 的一定形式,如:
   —John has a new magazine.
   —Yes, and so have I / so do I. (or: Yes, so he has/ so he does.)

   在这种简短反应中,如果上文谓语动词带有情态动词 will,则用“so + will + 主语”和“so + 主语 + will”,如:
   —Nancy will watch the football match.
   —So will Joan.
   —He will win the competition.
   —So he will











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