Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Sentence Patterns > Basic Sentence Patterns and Sentence Elements > Pattern 3 (S + V + O)  

  Directions: Choose the best answer.

  1. We enjoyed the evening party ____. 
    A) very happy
    B) wonderful
    C) very much
    D) so good

  2. ____ colds hurt his health. 
    A) Frequently
    B) Frequentation
    C) Frequency
    D) Frequent

  3. She often ____ her mind. 
    A) has changed
    B) is changing
    C) changes
    D) will change

  4. The director asked ____. 
    A) what was my name
    B) what my name was
    C) my name was what
    D) what be my name

  5. I’ve forgotten ____. 
    A) what he said his address was
    B) he said what his address was
    C) he said what was his address
    D) what did he say his address was











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