Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Sentence Patterns > Transformation of Basic Sentence Patterns> Transformation of Interrogative Form         

Choose the best answer.

1. ____ did you choose the black bag instead of the red one? 
  A) What
  B) Where
  C) Why
  D) Which

2. Were you born in New York ___ in London? 
  A) and
  B) or
  C) but
  D) yet

3. You had your watch repaired, ____? 
  A) didn't you
  B) did you
  C) hadn't you
  D) had you

4. You must be very tired, ____? 
  A) are you
  B) aren't you
  C) must you
  D) mustn't you

5. You never told us why you were late for the last meeting, ____? 
  A) did you
  B) didn't you
  C) had you
  D) hadn't you
6. Don't move this chair, _____? 
  A) can you
  B) can't you
  C) will you
  D) won't you

7. Nothing happened to him, ____? 
  A) did it
  B) didn't it
  C) did he
  D) didn't he

8. I am silly, _____? 
  A) am I
  B) am not
  C) are I
  D) aren't I











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