Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Sentence Patterns > Transformation of Basic Sentence Patterns> Transformation of Negative Form         

Choose the best answer.

1. ______ you remember that holiday we had in Spain? 
  A) Don't
  B) Do not
  C) Won't
  D) Will not

2. You ____ have eaten so much. It _____ do you any good. 
  A) shouldn't, will
  B) shouldn't, won't
  C) should, won't
  D) should, will

3. I knew nothing about it because I _____ the news on TV last night. 
  A) wasn't watching
  B) shouldn't watch
  C) wouldn't watch
  D) didn't watch

4. I _____ any book you are interested in, so I ____ lend you any. 
  A) don't have, should not
  B) don't have, must not
  C) have not, can't
  D) haven't, may not

5. ______ touch it. It's very dangerous. 
  A) Won't
  B) Mustn't
  C) Not
  D) Don't

6. You ___ go to visit him today. He is very busy. 
  A) had better not
  B) should better not
  C) had not better
  D) would not better











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