Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Sentence Patterns > therebe> There is / are + Noun + Adjective / V-ing / V-ed / to + Verb / Relative Clause    │Exercises

 在 there be 句型中,可用形容词、动词分词形式、不定式或定语从句来修饰名词,如:
1. There is / are + n + adj.
 There are always some students anxious about the results of the examinations.
 There is a car ready for us.

2. There is / are +n +v-ing
 There is a boy standing outside.
 There are only two teachers working in this school.

3. There is /are + n + v-ed
 There aren't many houses destroyed in the explosion.
 There is still a shop left open.

4. There is / are + n + to v.
 There are many problems to be dealt with.
 There is not plenty of homework to do.











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