Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Modification > Word formation>Conversion                      

Fill in each blank with a proper form of the words listed below.
(circle, dirty, double, dream, dry, iron, notice, silver, skin, warm)

  1. Did you her pale face? Maybe she was uncomfortable at the party last night.
  2. The teacher often the pupil’s spelling mistakes in red ink.
  3. I never that such a thing could happen.
  4. If you your trousers, they’ll look very smart.
  5. You’d better wash your hands first.
  6. The soup is in the pot.
  7. All the children were asked to stand in a .
  8. Judging by its appearance, the watch is .
  9. Unfortunately he has got a disease.
  10. There are several short on the blackboard.
  11. A day’s work on the farm his T-shirt.
  12. The house has in value since I bought it last year.
  13. In this month it scarcely rains.
  14. Gold and are two kinds of valuable metals.
  15. Can you give me a hand and these potatoes?
  16. I’d like to book a room for 3 nights.
  17. Are you enough?
  18. and steel plays an important role in a country’s industrialization.
  19. She realized her of becoming an actress.
  20. The clothes will soon in the sun.











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