Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Modification > Word formation>Compounding                    │Exercises

合词法 (Compounding)

  把两个或更多个词合成为一个新词的方法叫合词法,构成的新词叫复合词。在拼写形式上,有些复合词没有一定的形式,可以连写在一起,如 textbook,可以用连字号连接,如text-book,也可以分开写,如text book。合词法可构成任何词类(多为名词和形容词)。

  1. 复合名词,如:
   night-school(夜校) pickpocket (扒手)
   toothache(牙痛) drinking water(饮用水)
   air-conditioning(空调) goal keeper(守门员)
   by-product(副产品) break-through(突破)
   income(收入) offspring(子孙)
   editor-in-chief(主编) good-for-nothing(无用的人)

  2. 复合形容词,如:
   ill-tempered(脾气不好的) peace-loving(爱好和平的)
   good-looking(好看的) far-reaching(深远的)
   handmade(手工制作的) ready-made(现成的)
   duty-free(免税的) dark green(深绿色的)
   full-time(专职的) all-round(全能的)

  3. 复合动词,如:
   baby-sit(照看婴儿) sunbathe(做日光浴)
   overhear(无意中听到) undergo(经历)
   safeguard(捍卫) whitewash(粉刷)

  4 复合代词,如:
   myself, themselves, everybody, something, nothing, each other, one another

  5. 复合数词,如:
   twenty-one, forty-five, one-third, twenty-third

  6. 复合副词, 如:
   beforehand, halfway, maybe, upstairs

  7. 复合介词,如:
   into, along with, from behind, except for, according to, because of, thanks to

  8. 复合连词,如:
   as if, so that, even if, according as











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