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  Course 3 > Unit 3 > Passage A > Exercises
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  Content Awareness: Read and Think > Exercise 3  

3. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. We may infer from the passage that ______. 
A) Proctor & Gamble was not impressively successful in its first 20 years.
B) the sales of Ivory Soap reach as high as more than thirty billion dollars per year
C) the factory of Proctor & Gamble is located in Ivorydale, hence the name of the soap
D) Proctor & Gamble was founded by two immigrants shortly before the Civil War

2. The most important reason for the great success of Ivory Soap lies in ______. 
A) its brand name which was lifted from the Bible
B) its successful nationwide advertising campaign
C) its feature of being 99.44/100 percent pure
D) its mass production and low cost

3. By saying that "Ivory Soap is an American Institution", the author indicates that ______. 
A) Ivory Soap is a brand name of Proctor & Gamble's products in America
B) Ivory Soap is an organization for providing washing powder
C) Ivory Soap is well-known to Americans
D) Ivory Soap is a landmark building in America

4. Proctor & Gamble introduced Ivory Soap in order to ______. 
A) compete with high-quality soaps coming from foreign countries
B) arouse children's interest so that they would become loyal consumers
C) satisfy American mothers' need of washing out the mouths of their children
D) bring a big break to the company and reach one million dollars in sales

5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? 
A) Ivory Soap is as solid and spotless as the marble of the Lincoln Memorial.
B) Soap operas became known as a result of a P&G sponsored radio serial.
C) Ivory Soap is eatable and doesn't even taste all that bad.
D) Proctor & Gamble keeps a precise count of the bars of Ivory Soap having been sold.

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