Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Tense>Subjunctive Mood>In the That-Clauses          │TextExercises

1. wish 后的宾语从句
 a. 所希望的事与wish同时发生,从句用过去时,如:
  I wish you didn't smoke too much.
 b. 所希望的事在wish之前发生,从句用过去完成时,如:
  I wish I had paid more attention to my spelling.
 c. 所希望的事在wish之后发生,表示忠告或请求等,从句一般用would+动词原形,如:
  He wishes we would help him in the work.

2. 在表示愿望、请求、建议、打算、命令等意义的词,如 suggest, command, demand,
 decide, propose, order, recommend, request, require, desire, insist, urge等后的宾语
 从句中,以及这些词用于被动语态的主语从句中,都用 (should +) 动词原形,如:
 He suggested that the meeting (should) be held at once.
 It is desired that Tom (should) get everything ready by ten o'clock.

3. 上述动词转化或派生的名词以及idea, notion, no wonder, a shame, a pity等后的表语
 从句,主语从句或同位语从句中也用(should +)动词原形,如:
 Our decision is that the school remain closed.
 It's a pity that he (should) call black white.
 He made a request that the new electronic instrument (should) be tested at once.

4. 在It is necessary (important, desirable, essential, amazing, strange, urgent, vital,
 natural, unusual, possible), etc. 后的主语从句中也用(should +)动词原形,如:
 It is necessary that the problem (should) be solved at once.











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