Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Tense>Subjunctive Mood>As Subject and Predictive           │TextExercises

  Directions: Choose the best answer.

  1) He talks as if he _____ there at that time.
   A) was
   B) were
   C) had been
   D) has been
Key: C
  2) Isn't it about time you _____ to do the work?
   A) began
   B) begin
   C) have begun
   D) had begun
Key: A
 3) — I'll pay you by check monthly.
  — I'd rather you _____ me in cash weekly.
   A) pay
   B) will pay
   C) had paid
   D) paid
Key: D
  4) I could go myself but I would sooner you _____ .
   A) went
   B) go
   C) had gone
   D) will go
Key: A
  5) In the absence of friction, belts _____ in conveying power from one machine to another.
   A) will not be used
   B) could not be used
   C) can not be used
   D) may not be used
Key: B











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