Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Part of Speeck > Adjective > Countable and Uncountable       │TextExercises
    Exercises:Directions: Choose the best answer.

  1. In writing one should always try to make one's meaning ____. 
   A) in a simple way as possible
   B) in as simple a way possible
   C) in as simple a way as possible
   D) in a possible simple way

  2. At last Jane and Mary came in the room, the ____ wearing a red dress.  
   A) last
   B) latter
   C) later
   D) latest

  3. The greater the resistance of wire (is), ____ electric current will pass through it under the same pressure. 
   A) the less
   B) the fewer
   C) the little
   D) not much

  4. It is ____ what I imagined in quality. 
   A) more inferior than
   B) more inferior to
   C) most inferior to
   D) inferior to

  5. His ____ brother is one of the ____ students in the class. 
   A) elder … oldest
   B) older … oldest
   C) elder … eldest
   D) older … eldest











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