Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Part of Speeck > Nouns > Genitive of Noun     │TextExercises
  Directions: Change each of the following underlined parts into a genitive construction.

  1. I've read the letter written by Mary, but haven't read the one by Tom.
the letter written by Mary  
the one by Tom

  2. She spent her winter vacation at the house her aunt bought.
the house her aunt bought  

  3. I'm sorry to know that your sister failed.
that your sister failed  

  4. I'm glad to hear that your mother has arrived.
that your mother has arrived  

  5. I only see the bags that belong to the girls, but where did you put the bags that belong to the boys?
bags that belong to the girls  
the bags that belong to the boys











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